Brand + Packaging Design
Seal the seasons
In early 2016, I began working as a freelance design consultant for Seal the Seasons, a company whose mission is delivering fresh local frozen produce all year round across the country. What started off as just a position to assist with updating packaging designs and creating marketing materials for this growing business quickly turned into assisting with their rebrand in 2017 and revamping their packaging for their launch in multiple states.
The company decided to create a new brand identity working with The Splinter Group to create a new look and feel. I worked closely with the Seal the Seasons CEO and Marketing Manager to assist with the creation of the logo. Through multiple iterations and versions, I offered design direction and revisions to create the final version of the logo.
With the new brand identity completed the company needed a new line of packaging. After pitching a few initial concepts, I was put in charge of the packaging refresh. The challenge was to create a fun approach to packaging that stood out from the competition in the frozen produce world while also showcasing the brands local roots and relationships with farmers in each local market. I chose to create a packaging system where each package would have a watercolor texture corresponding to the product featuring a shot of the actual farmers that harvested the produce on the front. This showcased to the consumer very quickly that local wasn’t just marketing, it was at the core of the business.
In total over 2.1 million SKUs of the packaging I created have been printed across 29 total states.
Patrick Mateer
CEO, Seal the Seasons
Alex Piasecki
COO, Seal the Seasons
Daniel Nicolelis
Daniel Woldorff
Marketing Manager,
Seal the Seasons